The story of Ripoll can not be explained without his monastery. The church, founded in 879 by Count Guifré el Pelós is one of the most emblematic building of the town and Catalonia. The cover, the cloister, his indoors…Do not stay undiscovered Monastery of Ripoll!

Because it’s much more than a visit

In the Monastery of Ripoll you can rediscover the origins of a Medieval Catalonia that does not leave anyone indifferent. Furthermore, it is an activity for lovers of art, culture or history. It is ideal for sharing family time.

Since its inception, the monastery became a cultural center with his library. There were mozarabic and visigoths manuscripts about astronomy, geometry, law, music…

Ripoll and monastery have always been inseparable, because this town was the largest population of the abbacy. However, there were many conflicts between the members of Monastery and the citizens since the end of the thirteenth century. The latter wanted to achieve autonomous municipal government failed to mid-eighteenth century.

The Monastery of Ripoll has also lived tragic episodes. In 1835, a fire burned part of the monastic center. For this reason, it was necessary a reform. The last reconstruction was produced by Elies Rogent in nineteenth century.

Romanesque style

Undoubtedly, it is one of the leaders of this style. The best example is their cover of the twelfth century, also known as the Bible of Stone. Also, you can read scenes from the Old Testament.

And if Ripollès is a territory of counts, the monastery was the pantheon of many of them until the year 1162. In fact, are buried Count as Guifré el Pelós, Ramón Berenguer III and Ramon Berenguer IV, among others.

Did you know?

  • In 1931 it was declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest.
  • During the Civil War, some of the desecration of graves occurred.
  • The candidate Portalada Ripoll is a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

After your visit, you can go to Interpretation Centre, where you will find many more secrets and memories of the monastery of Ripoll.

Because the best way to learn history is to be a part of it.

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