At any time of year you will find a wide range of proposals to the outdoors. To enjoy with family, friends or your partner. If you want to discover the culture and traditions, Casa Rural Ripoll invites you to the best markets and fairs that take place in our region. Do not miss them!

Of traditions, with the best food, with animals… Each market is different and offers tou a lot of products and activities. Here, you can find some suggestions for your stage in Casa Rural Ripoll. If you would like to know more proposals, we will inform you without any problems.

A gastronomic market

La fira del bolet

Autumn begins honoring one of the most typical products: the mushroom. This fair is the meeting point for lovers such as mycology for those who want to discover this interesting world. A lot of species are awaiting you at the mushroom fair.

  • Where: Ogassa, Setcases Ribes spawn.
  • When: September and October. It depends of town.

La fira formatgera

The best way to discover every specialty of cheese and enjoy with a wide variety of milk product. Logically, you’ll find plenty of activities where the cheese is the star. Tender, curing, sheep, goat … what is your favorite?

  • Where: Ribes Freser
  • When: April

Fira de la Mel

One of the sweetest fairs is celebrated every September. This is the party of honey. This product is the protagonist and also the leitmotif of all the activities taking place. Talks, workshops, craft exhibitions, exhibitions and tasting the most typical honey of the village.

  • Where: Ribes de Freser
  • When: September 13th and 14th

With animals as protagonists

La fira catalana de la ovella

The sheep is dearest animal of Ripoll. For this reason, there is a fair who lives on the 15th of October to honor it. Also, is celebrated Santa Teresa’s Market, where you can find traditional products.

  • Where: Ripoll
  • When: October.

Fira de Sant Isidre

In this occasion, this fair is about an other famous animal: the cow. You can discover the best examples of cow. It is also a good opportunity for children to learn at milking by hand. There are only things that not happen in the city.

  • Where: Sant Joan de les Abadesses
  • When: First weekend of May.

La tria de Mulats

October 13. Remember this date because it is not an event that repeats in other parth of Catalonia. The choice of mule is a unique event of animal husbandry.

  • Where: Espinavell.
  • When; October 13.

Traditions and Culture

La fira de les 40 hores

And when spring begins, medieval times hits streets of Ripoll to remind the origins where farmers had a strong presence. Find out how it was every day in the town. It is one of the most popular fairs in Girona where you can find a variety of products.

  • Where: Ripoll.
  • When: March.

El mercat dels vàndals

Where does the name of the town Campdevànol? Although the answer is uncertain, some sources suggest its origin in the word “vandal“. This is the explanation that justifies the market of Vandals. It’s a good chance to be a vandal without remorse. It sounds good? Theater, games, workshops and many stalls with traditional products go to the street.

  • Where: Campdevànol
  • When: July

Mercadal del Comte Guifré

Since 1997, every August there is one of the most important medieval markets. The town of returns to its past and shows activities and crafts products. The Market of Guifré Count reminds us why Ripollès is a land of Counts and abbots.

  • When: 10, 11, 12 August.
  • Where: Ripoll.

And you, have you decided what is your next market?

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