If you like sports and nature, The Route of Ter is a fantastic activity for family, friends or partner. It’s a way way to enjoy nature and the same time that you playing the sport you like.

The Route of Ter is a road that you can make cycling or walking. Just choose the option you prefer to discover magical landscape that connecting the Pyrenees and the Costa Brava. Are you ready?

Much to discover

Ter river will be your guide while you cross five regions of Catalonia.

With this ride, you will know the history, land, fauna, flora and even the gastronomy from every corner. Since the starting point, the source of Ulldeter Ter river, to the river mouth on the Mediterranean Sea in the Gola del Ter (Estartit), there is an atlas is more alive than ever.

Furthermore, all the route is prepared with the corresponding signals so do not miss out on any tract.

You can practise this activity at any time of year, although the best seasons are fall and spring. In autumn, the forests offers spectacular colors and in spring, you can see how nature borns.

 By walk:

Total Km: 225 km aprox.

Starting point: Ulldeter Refuge

Endpoint: Gola del Ter

Times across the river: 25

Towns: 40

Stages: 10

By bike:

Total Km: 205 Km approx.

Starting point: Vallter 2000

Endpoint: Gola del Ter

Times across the river: 22

Towns: 39

Stage: 6

From Rutadelter.cat remind us that it is advisable to use a MTB bike, as some tracts may be difficult to access with a touring bicycle.

Are you ready? Prepare the five senses because you will need!

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